Adverty is now a Unity Technologies Asset Store Publisher

Adverty AB (publ) is now a Unity Technologies Asset Store publisher, providing developers with easy access to its ad technology. Planned launch early 2020.

Adverty, the leading seamless in-game ad tech company, is developing a version of its Unity SDK to be enabled on the Unity Asset Store, a marketplace where all creators can find, source, and sell everything they need to be successful, including third party assets, tools, and services. 

Adverty’s advertising solution uses Unity to display seamless in-game ads through an SDK launched to the public in December last year [1], accessible from the Adverty website In this new installment, the Unity SDK from Adverty will be easily accessible to developers on the Unity Asset Store.

“We are excited to have our advertising solution customised for and soon available on the Asset Store, making it possible for developers to easily access and enable seamless, in-game advertisements directly within their production environment”, explains Niklas Bakos, CEO and founder at Adverty.

The Adverty SDK will be customized for the Asset Store and feature an easy onboarding process for developers using the service. For the ultimate experience, Adverty will include various pre-modeled ad furnitures such as billboards, floor stands and poster frames in the package, to satisfy each level of game developer interested in monetizing their creations with seamless ads.

Web advertising is a sinking ship for brands. In-app advertising can be the lifeboatadds Niklas Bakos. Advertising on the web faces a bleak future. Ad-blockers, tracking prevention and accept-cookie buttons have damaged the environment for users and advertisers, and browsing habits have also changed, with expert online shoppers no longer lingering for a moment longer than necessary.

So smart brands are seeking to go where users’ attention has gone: into mobile apps, where recent research from the US suggests the average smartphone user spends almost three hours a day.

The promise for programmatic in-app advertising is one of immersive experiences, superior measurement, long dwell times and targeting by user/ad ID. But to date, in-app advertising has been poorly exploited, with an excess of initialisation ads and reward videos and minimal brand advertising. Even those selling today’s in-app inventory still have a lot to learn.

 The Adverty SDK is planned to launch early 2020 on the Asset Store.

Source: Adverty

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