“Living in Lisbon means we’re in daily contact with the moods, majesty… and misery of our Ocean. The plastic washing up on our beaches is a very real and obvious threat. But there’s an awful hidden danger we barely notice — the degraded plastic particles we’re all ingesting through water, which have infiltrated the system.

“And we’re ingesting these at an alarming scale: a credit card-sized amount of them, per person… each week.*
“Our ongoing studio projects (called BeHalf on behalf of the planet) are a series of mini campaigns we’re developing in-house with Mother Earth as our client. Riffing on a 50 / 50 theme we have running through the agency, we believe we all have an equal responsibility in tackling the climate emergency. In 2020 myself and the team are taking on ocean plastic. As I write this, we’re currently drawing up some jellyfish designs for a Pandemic Plastic campaign which has been giving us all sleepless nights!
“Use Less Plastic, Eat Less Plastic was a quick 4-day sprint — developed to coincide with #plasticfreejuly 2020 — which was all about keeping it simple, while conveying a lot. It had to be arresting but not shlock; dark in tone but colourful in nature. A challenge was making the credit card not seem as if it had been made from recycled plastic, and instead communicated what we consume from the broken down particles of other products such as plastic bags, bottles, containers…” (Cat How)

Use. Less. Plastic. Eat. Less. Plastic.
Creative Director: Cat How
Designer: Adrien Chevalier
Animator: Marisa Gama
Created in Lisbon & London @ h ttps://how.studio/

Source: HOW Studio
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