82% Of Consumers Still Recommending Brands In The Pandemic

Groceries and Gifts see the biggest upsurge

82% Of Consumers Still Recommending Brands In The Pandemic

Mention Me’s fourth annual report into customer advocacy and referral trends reveals the impact of Covid-19 on brand recommendations, the sectors that have best weathered the storm or even prospered, and the most important qualities for brand referrals. Trust has remained a core theme, with three quarters of respondents citing brands’ responses to Covid as […]

Love Home Swap launches referral marketing programme

Love Home Swap launches referral marketing programme

UK-based, global home swapping company Love Home Swap is this week launching its first referral marketing programme powered by Mention Me. Love Home Swap, set up in 2011 in the UK, is a members-only home exchange company with an international reach. For an annual fee, the platform allows homeowners to exchange their homes with other […]