Super Bowl Has Great Ads, But Most Watch For The Game

Super Bowl Has Great Ads, But Most Watch For The Game

Many Super Bowl research studies talk up all the interest in TV commercials, but a new study suggests the more obvious reason to watch: the game itself. 52% of respondents say the primary reason they tune in is to watch the game, versus 23% who are focused on the commercials, per Burson-Marsteller’s Fan Experience study […]

Super Bowl Spots Pull Record High, Commercial Time Rising

Super Bowl Spots Pull Record High, Commercial Time Rising

The Super Bowl as a TV advertising vehicle remains strong — in terms of revenue, commercial time, and more importantly, commercial tune-in. Last year’s event on CBS pulled in 11% more revenue to $292 million over 2012’s game, and was 14% higher to $4 million for the average 30-second commercial, according to Kantar Media. This […]