New Vodafone campaign showcases power of technology to empower SMEs

Vodafone has today launched its largest advertising campaign focused on small and medium-size enterprises (SME) in the UK. The campaign is designed to show how SMEs can harness the power of technology to recover and thrive in a new ‘post pandemic’ world.

This is the first SME campaign under the new brand positioning – Together We Can – which reflects the belief that when working together, humanity and technology can create a better future for all. The campaign will run until 3 August across a series of broadcast and online channels with a view of reaching 93% of UK SMEs.

It’s no easy feat to go from surviving to thriving as SMEs have grappled with ongoing challenges since March 2020. Vodafone has teamed up with creative agency, Ogilvy and production company, Knucklehead to create three short and compelling short stories that demonstrate that ‘Together We Can’.

The campaign looks at three businesses – an antique shop, a start-up and an architecture firm – to shine a light on how businesses, no matter their size, can flourish and prosper with key digital technologies such as website building tools, virtual office capabilities and 5G.

Through the campaign, Vodafone is highlighting real life stories with real people, and how technology, including cloud, connectivity and remote worker packages, can help SMEs thrive as we come out of the pandemic.

SMEs are the lifeblood of the economy, and even with the relentless challenges posed during the pandemic the UK witnessed a surge in entrepreneurship in 2020 with record numbers of new start-ups (772,002) being formed. However, many are still finding it difficult to understand how to adapt and to embrace new technologies which feel alien to them. 

Andrew Stevens, Head of Small Business, Vodafone UK said: “We are committed to helping businesses of all shapes and sizes. This campaign demonstrates what can happen when you turn your passions into a business. By shining a light on real entrepreneurs that have made this leap, we hope it encourages others to see what’s possible.”

The campaign launches a year on from the launch of Vodafone’s V-Hub platform designed to help small businesses develop their digital capabilities as they get back on their feet following the Covid-19 pandemic. Earlier this year Vodafone Business, alongside Enterprise Nation, also unveiled the business.connected campaign which commits to give free, expert training to 100,000 small businesses to support the UK’s economic recovery – further extending Vodafone’s position as a trusted advisor for SMEs.

Source: Vodafone

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