SeenThis Uses Scope3 to Model the Emissions of Its Ad Technology

Scope3 Data Shows that SeenThis Technology Emits Less Carbon Than Conventional Ad Serving

Adaptive streaming specialist SeenThis has contributed its data to and published its ad formats in the Scope3 collaborative sustainability platform. Users can now select SeenThis formats and discover their emissions directly in the Scope3 UI.

SeenThis has built their solution on streaming technology, enabling them to optimise towards less data which produces lower emissions. Scope3’s latest feature update to include modeling for ad formats shows that the SeenThis technology can result in lower emissions for advertisers compared to conventional technology. At a global scale, SeenThis offers streaming ad technology that optimises creatives and delivery.

“In order to make reduction decisions, we must have granular data about where emissions exist in the advertising supply chain, that includes understanding the unique emissions from the wide variety of ad formats that exist in the market today. Over the last several months we worked closely with partners, like SeenThis, to refine and deliver a nuanced model for emissions at the ad format level,” said Gabi Kay, Head of Product for Creative and Production at Scope3. “With this expansion of our model to include ad formats, users can easily see in our platform how SeenThis’ player enables a lower carbon result than conventional players.”

“We are thrilled to be a contributor to the Scope3 platform to help build a more sustainable advertising ecosystem. We have worked closely with Scope3 to bring advertisers the benefits of both of our solutions, and are excited to move forward with media buyers globally who are interested in choosing partners that are providing solutions that can measurably reduce emissions. Scope3 is a valuable partner and we look forward to continuing our work together to help advertisers reduce emissions from their advertising campaigns,” said Jesper Benon, CEO at SeenThis.

Source: SeenThis

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