Göteborg Film Festival challenges the film industry by launching 50/50 Vision and promise Gender Parity in 2020

In Hollywood, 96% of film directors are men. In Europe 81% of films are directed by men. Only 20% of films shown in Swedish cinemas so far this year have female directors.

The Göteborg Film Festival think this leads to an imbalance that makes the film industry more one-eyed than it needs to be. A film industry with more gender equality would lead to more interesting films with more perspectives and much higher definition.

The organisers of the festival want to see those films. They do not just want to represent the film industry as it is, they want to inspire change. That is why half of the films at the 2020 Göteborg Film Festival will be directed by women. The organisers call this initiative: “50/50 Vision”.

The festival would like to start the gender parity year of 2020 by implementing what everyone is talking about: an equal program at a major international film festival. 

“During the 2020 Göteborg Film Festival we will show 200 films by men. We will also show 200 films by women. We believe that allows us to see the most from the world,” said the festival organisers in their release.

Source: Stendahls

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