PB&, Visit Seattle Tackle Book Banning in Latest #Bookmarked Videos

PB&, Visit Seattle Tackle Book Banning in Latest #Bookmarked Videos

Visit Seattle, a non-profit marketing organization that promotes tourism and travel, will focus on banned books by local authors for the latest three #SeattleBookmarked videos, as part of its programming on VISITSEATTLE.tv showcasing local culture such as music, film, art, and literary events, to give people new reasons to visit. The series is created by advertising agency […]

Visit Seattle Crafts Innovative Use of City’s Legendary Music at Heart of New Branded Program Created by PB&

Visit Seattle Crafts Innovative Use of City’s Legendary Music at Heart of New Branded Program Created by PB&

Seattle’s music scene has flourished for decades and has long been a major draw to what Visit Seattle calls the city’s “renaissance traveler” noted for their love of live music, collecting vinyl, and attending music festivals. Determined to find a new way to highlight this key element to attract new visitors from this group, they […]