Over 3 million girls are in danger of being subjected to female genital mutilation (FGM). Estimates suggest that the pandemic may have far-reaching consequences, increasing the number of potential FGM victims by 2 million during the next decade. A recent campaign from World Vision Finland speaks out against this violent tradition to prevent it from continuing undisturbed.

According to World Health Organization, FGM is internationally recognized as a violation of the human rights of girls and women. Regardless, around the world a girl is subjected to FGM every ten seconds and World Vision employees in Kenia and Somalia report a significant rise in victims. The driving force behind the startling campaign is World Vision Finland, a development cooperation organization that focuses especially on the needs and rights of children in developing countries.

“The ongoing pandemic with rising levels of poverty, school closures and lockdowns, is putting girls at high risk of FGM. With this campaign we wanted to highlight the need to break the silence on FGM. Furthermore we wanted to raise support to keep fighting this violation of human rights”, explains Hannele Pulliainen, Marketing Manager from World Vision Finland.
The campaign was created together with FGM survivors for the International Day of Zero Tolerance for FGM, February 6th. The creative partner behind the idea is TBWA/Helsinki.
“We wanted to create a respectful yet powerful campaign to help end an extreme violation of human rights. An issue so acute requires an execution that stops people in their tracks. A mouth silenced by stitching is a cruel reminder of how important it is for everyone around the world to speak against FGM”, says Laura Paikkari, Creative Director at TBWA\Helsinki.
Source: TBWA\Helsinki
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