Economic Influence: When brand’s budgets have been rationalised, what should they invest in?

Economic Influence: When brand’s budgets have been rationalised, what should they invest in?

The coronavirus pandemic has impacted brands and businesses in ways that we’d never have expected, but with everyone forced to adapt, it has left business owners with no choice but to rationalise and re-think their budgets.  Whether they’ve had to cut down, or change their focus, almost all companies will have been affected by the current […]

Influencers are driving female empowerment

Influencers are driving female empowerment

As women around the world prepare for this year’s International Women’s Day on March 8, the campaign theme #EachforEqual, envisioning a gender-equal future based on ‘Collective Individualism’, is gaining traction. But stop and think about that phrase – collective individualism. It sums up social media almost perfectly. We come together collectively on social platforms and […]

How are influencers addressing the clothing crisis?

As fashion giants continue to cultivate partnerships which aim to escalate consumer spend, the influencer culture is continuing to notice its environmental impact and social media experts from Influencer Matchmaker review how influencers are responding to the current clothing crisis…

How are influencers addressing the clothing crisis?

Sustainability has become one of the most searched for terms in fashion in the last year, with an average of over 27,000 searches specifically for ‘sustainable fashion’ each month in 2019, influencers could become the shining light on the industry – instilling sustainable style into the minds of consumers. Amelia Neate, social media expert from […]

The person behind the product: The growing retail power of influencers

The person behind the product: The growing retail power of influencers

Gone are the days when shoppers relied on word-of-mouth recommendations or were influenced by a more traditional TV, radio or newspaper advert before buying a product.  Now with over 3.2 billion social media users worldwide, it is faster and easier than ever to market to  consumers – and savvy influencers are taking full advantage, according to leading […]