Hive teams up with Chris Robshaw to help Brits get greater control over their homes
OVER 20 MILLION BRITS FEEL OUT OF CONTROL IN THEIR HOME LIFE Brits craving control: nine in ten seek order and structure in their home (88%), believing it makes it a happier place to be (85%) Rise of the ‘Connected Home Controller’ as two in five (40%) now use technology to control their home Yet nearly two-fifths (39%) have felt “out of control” of their home and three quarters (77%) would love a helping hand Hive is offering out-of-control Brits the chance to get their homes in order with help from self-confessed control freak and rugby legend - Chris Robshaw

New research from smart home specialists, Hive, reveals we’re a nation of house-proud “control freaks” who want to control every aspect of our home lives (88%). With today’s hectic lifestyles, being a “control freak” has lost all negative connotations, with 78% of Brits thinking this is a positive personality trait. We believe having order in […]