Leading B2B Adtech PR Agency scored a 100 net promoter score
The Digital Voice™ was one of 23 leading agencies surveyed in the past six months across PR, communications, digital, integrated and full-service categories. The research project by YouBecome, led by Mike Turner, took place to look into the key “people metrics” in the marketing agency sector. The goal was to look beyond the business and focus on the people behind it. Within the survey, all 23 agencies and those that worked within them were required to complete a survey to understand and model outstanding behaviours and performances from their business. Those that took part did so with the rationale to compare and benchmark themselves to the leading agencies within the industry.

Hitting the top position, The Digital Voice™ was ranked number one with a net promoter score of 100. All of the participants said they would actively recommend working at The Digital Voice™. With the agency’s commitment to mentorship, coaching and an access to a multitude of educational resources, 100% of the team reported that they felt they were given the opportunity to learn and grow over the last six months.
Operating as an entirely remote company, 85% of The Digital Voice™ team reported that they feel just as creative working collaboratively from home as they would have done in person. Plus, over 98% of the team reported that they feel that The Digital Voice™ has found the perfect work-life balance. The team unanimously reported that their thoughts were heard at The Digital Voice™ and that they were empowered and trusted to work independently; with 94% of the team seeing themselves working at The Digital Voice™ for the long term.
Mike Turner, Managing Director at YouBecome and conductor of The Agency Benchmarker research project said “YouBecome is a boutique consultancy that has helped ambitious and growing SMEs in the UK to understand and improve the dynamics between leadership, culture and the employee experience. In 2023, we decided to launch The Agency Benchmarker research project into the world of Marketing Agencies.”
In regards to the results of the survey, Mike said “We have conducted anonymous staff surveys like this with hundreds of companies and have been doing so for nearly ten years. It’s safe to say that these results for The Digital Voice™ are definitely among the best scores that we have ever seen! There’s not a lot in the data that suggests that The Digital Voice™ needs to do very much differently from what they’re doing.”
Sharing her thoughts on the survey results, CEO and Founder, Julia Linehan said “I’m immensely proud that The Digital Voice™ is able to stand tall as a small boutique agency amongst some of the heavyweights that feature in this report. We have shone a light on the fact that putting people first does work, it does retain the team and it makes for a cohesive, happy, energised workplace. To receive the top slot in The Agency Benchmarker report was testament and recognition to the hard work we’ve put in, to make sure we have nailed the perfect approach to our life-work balance, in that exact order.”
This benchmark report was a research project by YouBecome, curated to encourage more agencies to understand and model outstanding behaviour performance from the industry. As more agencies join the project, further results will be shared to compare agencies in the industry and how they can strive to improve.
Source: The Digital Voice™
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