Beatgrid Unveils Latest Data and Insights Highlighting The Optimal Frequency for UK brands in TV & OTT (CTV, VOD & YT)

  • Beatgrid CEO Daniel Tjondronegoro shared the insights on stage at at MAD//Fest London 2024
  • The data showcases what advertisers need, the measurement of unduplicated reach and frequency in all BVOD channels vs TV 
  • Data is from campaigns measured by Beatgrid since the start of 2023 in the UK, across the US, Canada and Australia.

Beatgrid, the global advertising effectiveness currency, today revealed unprecedented data-driven cross-media measurement insights at MAD//Fest London 2024 for UK advertisers. Daniel Tjondronegoro, Co-founder and CEO of Beatgrid, presented the findings during a keynote session, showcasing data that challenges traditional advertising strategies and provides actionable insights for the UK market.

The presentation kicked off with an overview of incremental cross-media reach data, demonstrating how person-level-measured exposures impacted brand lift across the UK, the US, Canada, and Australia. This set the stage for two main stories: how can British brands optimise their frequency to drive brand lift, and how can they improve their media strategy for better conversion from brand awareness to consideration and purchase intent? 

Key revelations from Beatgrid‘s research include:

  • Cross-Media Reach and Frequency Wastage: Linear TV carries the highest media weight and shows significant reach. However, despite the UK’s competitive digital video market compared to the US, Canada, and Australia, investing in digital channels ensures a more efficient use of your media budget. 
  • Average Frequency Across Channels & Conversion From One Brand KPI to Another:
    • In the UK, the average frequency to drive brand lift is 15 for Linear TV and 5-6 for Digital Video channels (CTV and YouTube).
    • The global ideal frequency per brand lift KPI and channel shows that YouTube needs a frequency of 7 to 15 touchpoints for awareness, consideration, and purchase intent, while TV needs 4-6 touchpoints for the same KPIs.
    • Consumers exposed to digital video channels exhibit a higher conversion rate, with 73% moving from awareness to consideration compared to 61% for linear TV. Additionally, the conversion from consideration to purchase intent is 64% for digital video, whereas it is 53% for Linear TV. This higher conversion rate for digital video can be attributed to more precise targeting, engaging ad formats, controlled viewing environments, and better ad frequency management.

Daniel Tjondronegoro, Co-Founder and CEO of Beatgrid commented, “Our data reveals crucial insights for UK advertisers. The high engagement of younger demographics on digital video platforms and the superior conversion rates in the UK demonstrate that a balanced media mix combining the broad reach of Linear TV with the precision of digital video is key to optimizing campaign performance. 

This represents a significant shift in understanding cross-media advertising effectiveness in the UK, underscoring the importance of investing more in digital inventory to achieve better conversion rates down the funnel. However, accurately measuring Digital platforms delivered through different screens remains a challenge that can only be met with a single-source apples-to-apples ad measurement methodology. Without this level of accuracy, advertisers risk missing out on the full potential of AVOD, BVOD, and SVOD channels.”

The presentation at MAD//Fest London is expected to spark discussions about the future of advertising measurement and the importance of unified, cross-platform insights for UK brands. It will focus on accurately measuring the ideal unduplicated frequency per channel and its impact on brand performance at every stage of the consumer funnel.

Source: Beatgrid

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