Cadbury ‘Make it Yours’ campaign is bringing the fun back to in-home hot chocolate

New campaign from VCCP

Hot chocolate has had a real renaissance in the last few years, with coffee shops offering a whole host of exciting and seasonal hot chocolate flavours.

But Cadbury are here to remind everyone that making hot chocolate at home is just as easy and just as delicious, with lots of options for personalising your perfect mug of hot chocolate.

The ‘Make It Yours’ activation, created by VCCP in partnership with Cadbury, will allow consumers to customise their own hot chocolate creation for free. It will take place in the pop-up home of a fictional family, the Coopers, and aims to show how fun and convenient it is for consumers to customise their hot chocolates in the comfort of their own home.

The public will also be encouraged to take a photo of their hot chocolate creation and the wider campaign, running in OOH and social, will feature some of the best user-generated hot chocolates from the activation.

The first activation opened in Leeds on 18th January, and will be followed by an activation in London on 25th January.

Lorena Moyano at Cadbury, said: “We’re truly excited to bring Make it Yours to life by inviting the public to our warm and cosy Cadbury Kitchen. With this activation we would like to remind consumers how fun and easy it is to prepare your personalised mug of hot chocolate at home. This is not just a great consumer engagement activity, but also it will give us the opportunity to showcase consumer’s creations nationwide to inspire the nation to Make it Theirs“

Darren Bailes, ECD of VCCP, said: It’s cold and it’s wet. Time for a hot chocolate! We have lovingly created a home in which to make it, and a family who live there…all as part of the ‘Make it yours’ campaign. Come in, meet the Coopers, and make your very own cup of Cadbury Hot Chocolate.”

Source: VCCP

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