Common Good Hires Executive Creative Director Jenna Capobianco and VP-Strategy Brent Marcus 

<strong>Common Good Hires Executive Creative Director Jenna Capobianco and VP-Strategy Brent Marcus </strong>

Common Good, formerly LRXD, the original health and happiness agency, has named Jenna Capobianco as executive creative director and Brent Marcus as VP-Strategy, Common Good Founder and CEO Kelly Reedy announced today. Capobianco will lead the charge in the creative talent department as she takes the helm as the agency’s first ECD. Before finding herself […]

Digital Citylights Equipped With AI-Based Software And Built-In Cameras Fighting The Dramatic Rise In Mental Health Issues   

Anxiety Meter can measure passers-by's anxiety with their permission. One-third of passers-by interacted with the ad 817 % longer than the DOOH average. The ones with the highest level of stress received a free preventive check-up.

Digital Citylights Equipped With AI-Based Software And Built-In Cameras Fighting The Dramatic Rise In Mental Health Issues   

Digital Citylights Equipped With AI-Based Software And Built-In Cameras Fighting The Dramatic Rise In Mental Health Issues