Five questions with Appetite Creative & Mondi

In regular Q&A sessions, Jenny Stanley, Managing Director at Appetite Creative explores the key challenges, trends and solutions facing experts from across the advertising and packaging industry. Asking five key questions per conversation, Jenny will look to learn more about her interviewee, their career, clients and give them a final word. 

Marco Macoratti

This interview is with Marco Macoratti, Head of Sustainable Packaging Solutions & Circularity for Retail Brands at Mondi.

  1. In 30 seconds or less, please tell us who you are, what you do and where you come from?

I am a sales and marketing professional. A friend of mine told me that ‘I could sell freezer to penguins’. I ‘sell on sustainability’ to connect with brands and retailers and promote sustainable by design solutions, thus scaling a positive ESG impact. I come from Venice, one of the last warriors to city diaspora and plastic pollution.

2. What are the questions you are most often asked by clients?

What do I do? > Simply said, I connect the dots for ‘triple play’: growth, profit, sustainability.

What drives my passion? > Working for new set of shareholders: biodiversity and communities.

Is Venice sinking? > No, it isn’t. The truth is that climate change is over flooding the city.

3. What are the biggest challenges your clients are facing today?

There is one critical challenge: the lack in ‘Audacity of Dreaming’ to change quickly for the good of our future generations.

All signals tell us we are in social and environmental crisis, and we do not do enough within our area of influence. 

Also, as individuals we can be useful.

4. What are you most excited about happening in the next 12 months?

I am an ENTP profile according to Myers Briggs test, which means ‘Every New Thought Propels’. I am constantly excited about the dynamics of the circular economy.

There are so many new ideas or solutions outside to connect for a better future.

Some of my recent ideas?

  • Imagine a consumption in which packaging doesn’t exist anymore as a waste.
  • Servitization as new economic model, particularly in capital investments.
  • Educating a woman is educating a nation, I learned that at a recent event.

5. If you weren’t doing your current job, what would you be doing / what is your dream job?

Combining my love for the sea with my passion for sailing. To educate sailing guests about the threats to sea ecosystem and to help communities to use waste returned from the sea as resource. To enjoy a perfect work-life balance.

Jenny Stanley

Q&A sessions: Jenny Stanley who is Managing Director at Appetite Creative

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