Industry Veterans Guy Moore and Pete Bracegirdle Launch Creative Coalition – A New Creative Company

Guy Moore and Pete Bracegirdle have both left VCCP London to launch a new creative company Creative Coalition.    

“Covid has accelerated the trends and pressures we have been seeing for years on the traditional agency model. It has revealed some awkward truths but also a great opportunity to offer marketeers an alternative that is built for the times,”  Bracegirdle says. 

“The truth is, world class creativity, the stuff that gets talked about and changes the fortunes of brands, is usually the work of 2 or 3 people working with an ambitious client.  It doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. So we have stripped away what doesn’t help so clients can focus their energy and resources where the value is,” said Moore. 

Creative Coalition are working with a coalition of talent according to the needs of any given project.  “Our model means we can offer clients our focus and experience and bring in exactly the right talent and capability when they need it, ” Moore said.  

Ad industry veterans Moore and Bracegirdle first worked together at Simons Palmer where they produced the iconic ‘Parklife’ for Nike.  Moore went on to a series of successful creative leadership stints at AMV, W&K, Leo Burnett and Cossette in Canada.

Bracegirdle led the team that delivered Fearless Girl whilst EVP at McCann NY and prior to that he was MD at TBWA\Chiat LA where he led the Nissan account across the Americas and Mars Petcare globally.  

Between them they have an enviable track record of creative and effectiveness excellence including 8 Cannes Grand Prix, the first Cannes Black Lion for Effectiveness, multiple FAB Awards and a Grand Effie.

Source: Creative Coalition

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