Supercell Welcomes Clash Of Clans Fans Into Town Hall, In New Crowd-Sourced Social Content Push From Waste

- Gaming giant crowd-sourced ideas for items to be featured in the brand-new Town Hall 14 update. - Best fan ideas are featured in a rich 3D video showcasing Town Hall’s interior for the first time ever.

Supercell Welcomes Clash Of Clans Fans Into Town Hall, In New Crowd-Sourced Social Content Push From Waste

Supercell Welcomes Clash Of Clans Fans Into Town Hall, In New Crowd-Sourced Social Content Push From Waste

Pro skier Julian Carr teams with GS&P to launch the first crowd-sourced Super Bowl ad for climate change

Pro skier Julian Carr teams with GS&P to launch the first crowd-sourced Super Bowl ad for climate change

Pro skier Julian Carr is launching a new campaign to create the world’s first crowd-funded Super Bowl ad, hoping to raise awareness of global warming in an initiative paid for and run by “we, the people.” Via the global crowd-funding platform Kickstarter, Carr is asking people to help raise the $5.5 million needed to buy 30 seconds of airtime during the Big Game, which boasts TV’s biggest live audience, on […]

Unilever’s Crowd-Sourced Peperami Campaign

Unilever has teamed up with crowd-sourced ideas platform Idea Bounty to generate a new TV and print campaign for its FMCG brand Peperami. In order to re-launch the Peperami brand mascot ‘the animal’, the first time the mascot will be seen on TV screens since 2012, Unilever is offering a $10,000 prize for the best […]