Ready, Steady, Gallop! DillySocks Team Up with Serviceplan Switzerland to Launch TikTok #DillyGallopChallenge
DillySocks, the sock brand for Millenials, say ‘Neigh to lockdown gloom’ with 2 for 1 offer promoted by TikTok users wearing socks on their hands and feet as they take up

Serviceplan Group’s House of Communication Zurich have collaborated with edgy Swiss sock brand Dilly Socks and a stellar cast of Influencers – Michelle Melody, Ava Vogel, Jean Carly, Geo Cadiias, Quoc-Anh Dao, Simo Bonito, Taulant Gashnjani and Eric Luthi – on the TikTok. #DillyGallopChallenge, which involves ‘horsing around’ while wearing socks on their hands and […]