Iconic German Contemporary Artist Jonathan Meese Creates Artwork for New issue of TWELVE magazine, Serviceplan Group’s Annual Publication
The seventh issue of TWELVE, the Serviceplan Group’s multiple award-winning magazine for brands, media and communication, features a highly unusual design. The artwork was created by Jonathan Meese, one of today’s most important artists, using a completely new process. Prominent guest authors and renowned experts respond to the theme of „Rethink“ with original texts on topics including finding inspiration and coming up with practical strategies to address challenges and repurposing crises as opportunities.

TWELVE magazine was initially launched by the Serviceplan Group’s House of Communication in Munich in 2015 as an individual annual review for the brand, media and communications industry. Conceived as a coffee-table magazine, it embraces the power of print and offers insights into the inspiring personalities and topics that have defined the past year and […]