“Dearest Sarah. If you are reading this, I am dead,” begins Peter’s story as told within the macabre animated Christmas film from Anomaly and Unreasonable Studios. But all is not as it seems. When a family of Christmas trees chop Peter’s feet off, stand him in the corner of their living room, and decorate him in […]
[KGVID width=”600″ height=”338″]https://marcommnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/LifeSavingTV.mp4[/KGVID] KT’s Life Saving TV, the life-saving service for the elderly, is now being rolled out across South Korean homes. The KT Life Saving TV, created by Cheil Worldwide for South Korean telecoms operator KT and first piloted in South Korea in 2015, takes care of the elderly without causing any disruption to […]
Not long ago, many people would have loved to have a direct line to LeBron James’s answering machine—to leave him a nasty message, or 10. Times have changed, to the point where many people might actually congratulate James on his second NBA championship in a phone message. Wieden + Kennedy lets you do just that […]