Ready, Steady, Gallop! DillySocks Team Up with Serviceplan Switzerland to Launch TikTok #DillyGallopChallenge

DillySocks, the sock brand for Millenials, say ‘Neigh to lockdown gloom’ with 2 for 1 offer promoted by TikTok users wearing socks on their hands and feet as they take up

Ready, Steady, Gallop! DillySocks Team Up with Serviceplan Switzerland to Launch TikTok #DillyGallopChallenge

Serviceplan Group’s House of Communication Zurich have collaborated with edgy Swiss sock brand Dilly Socks and a stellar cast of Influencers – Michelle Melody, Ava Vogel, Jean Carly, Geo Cadiias, Quoc-Anh Dao, Simo Bonito, Taulant Gashnjani and Eric Luthi – on the TikTok. #DillyGallopChallenge, which involves ‘horsing around’ while wearing socks on their hands and […]