The Legend of Jagannath, a documentary produced by Creativeland Pictures, the entertainment division of the Creativeland Asia Group, for National Geographic channel is now available on Netflix.
Directed by Sajiv Kurup, Executive Director, Creativeland Asia Group, “The Legend of Jagannath” is a documentary which presents a comprehensive story of the famous Ratha Yatra – The Festival of Chariot, associated with Lord Jagannath, which takes place annually in Puri, Odisha. Hosted by actor Rajeev Khandelwal, the documentary takes a behind-the-scenes approach of the holy pilgrimage, which captures the ceremonies, colours and the essence of the festival.
The Ratha Yatra commences with the presiding deities of the Jagannath Temple – Lord Jagannath, his elder brother Balabhadra and younger sister Subhadra, being carried in beautifully decorated chariots that are over 45-feet tall, to their aunt’s temple – the Gundicha Temple. The carts are pulled by thousands of devotees who travel to Puri from all over the world, with an earnest desire to pull the Lord’s chariots, which is considered as an auspicious deed.
On directing The Legend of Jagannath, Sajiv Kurup, Executive Director, Creativeland Asia Group, said, “We’re extremely happy that The Legend of Jagannath is now available to a wider audience through Netflix. It’s a documentary that captures everything that goes behind creating and being a part of one of the world’s largest religious festivals. We are in the process of capturing and creating more such unique and engaging content such as this.”
Sajan RaJ Kurup, Founder & Creative Chairman, Creativeland Asia Group said, “Creating high-quality and refreshingly different content has always been in the DNA of Creativeland. I am delighted to see work from Creativeland Pictures debut on Netflix. We are ramping up our creative content production capabilities and are excited at the prospect of creating more such content for a wider audience.”
Source: Creativeland Asia Group
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