Nail Launches Quirky “Lady in the Gas Pump” Campaign for the Rhode Island Lottery

Nail Communication’s new campaign for the R.I. Lottery attempts to reinvent an underutilized advertising medium – gas pump videos.

Enter The Lady in the Gas Pump (TLITGP), the star of six witty, self-referential spots designed to run exclusively at gas pumps.

“Nail came to us and said, ‘Gas stations are a popular place to pick up lottery tickets, and we’ve seen some of your ads run on the gas pumps,” said Melissa Juhnowski of the Rhode Island Lottery. “So, they proposed a custom campaign to talk directly to the customers at the pump and encourage them to take an extra minute to go inside the store and buy a lottery ticket.”

This idea required a different approach to video production. “Rather than thinking about it as a screen, we approached it as if it were a window on the pump, and you could see this person inside,” said Brian Gross, Creative Partner at Nail. “We just found it wonderfully weird to imagine this quirky little woman with an odd passion for lottery products living inside the gas pump.”

“With TLITGP, we’ve managed to make this mundane part of the fueling experience a little more enjoyable.” added Juhnowski, “It’s a great way to capture the attention of potential lottery players with a touch of humor in a setting where they might appreciate it.”

“Turning a traditionally humdrum task of filling the gas tank into an opportunity for engagement and humor is exactly the way we look to spend our client’s money.” concluded Gross, “And we look forward to bringing more creative solutions like TLITGP to the lottery in the future.”

To see what life is like for the Lady in the Gas Pump in these six short videos:


Source: Nail Communications

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