New Gen Z AI persona allows users to “talk to” their segments

Untold Insights launches SegmentAI – segments you can interact with

Untold Insights, the company that blends deep customer insights with cutting-edge AI, has launched SegmentAI – segmentation that talks to you. Avery, the SegmentAI demo AI persona, has been created to show how users can have a direct conversation with their target audience. A 23-year-old representative of Gen Z that prioritises sustainability in her life, Avery can answer user questions, share her preferences, and give feedback in real-time.

Untold Insights trained a model using its own extensive primary research data to showcase what SegmentAI can do. Avery’s knowledge is built on comprehensive Gen Z surveys from both the UK and US, capturing the insights of over 1,000 Gen Z consumers.

“Avery is more than just a chatbot. She acts as a direct line to your segment.” Adelynne Chao, Founder at Untold Insights, says. “She’s here to make your insights tangible, to help you understand and engage with your audience in a way that’s never been done before.”

“Showing people what to do next after being presented with data is really important to us at Untold. The reality is that generally, the team immersed in the research and creation of the segmentation isn’t the same one developing products or crafting marketing materials. For that reason, a slide presentation on ‘segments’ can be overwhelming, confusing and dry. With Avery, you’re not just looking at insights; you’re actually interacting with them.”

Adelynne Chao – Founder , Untold Insights

SegmentAI brings data to life. Avery‘s insights aren’t designed to replace in-depth research with actual customers. Instead, they do offer an immediate, vivid way to animate your segments for the first time.

Founded in 2018, Untold Insights are consultants for customer-first growth. Untold offer experience in delivering strategic recommendations and mix solid customer understanding with powerful AI tools, so you can be super clear about what to do next. At Untold Insights, the complex is translated into something simple.

People can try SegmentAI out for themselves with Untold Insight’s Live Demo of Avery: Your Gen-Z AI Persona bot.

Source: Untold Insights

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