Proximity Madrid and P&G highlight the very real problem of ‘mental load’ for women today

Proximity Madrid and P&G highlight the very real problem of ‘mental load’ for women today

Despite the fact that nowadays family compositions and the roles within are changing, many women continue to be responsible for all logistics and decision-making in the home. This is why 71% of them suffer from ‘mental load’ compared to only 12% of men. This is reflected in the study carried out on P&G España’s Próxima […]

Tovaritch! Vodka and Proximity Madrid unveil new instalment of their ‘Never Drink Alone’ campaign

Tovaritch! Vodka and Proximity Madrid unveil new instalment of their ‘Never Drink Alone’ campaign

Tovaritch! Premium Russian Vodka have unveiled the latest instalment of their ‘Never Drink Alone’ campaign. Devised by Proximity Madrid, the campaign launched in May and has both digital and print elements to it. “We have been working with this for two years, and it is providing great results, in both sales and brand awareness,” explains David Vijil, Creative Director […]