In the last five years in Korea, 1,535 people were killed and 9,143 injured through a fire. 58% of homes still do not have a fire extinguisher, and only 22% of people even know how to use one.
So with the strategy to equip Koreans that were indifferent to fire safety with fire extinguishers, Cheil Worldwide and Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance created one that was unique so it would increase their desire to have one.
Different from the regular powder-type fire extinguisher that people shied away from, the Firevase is a vase that can hold beautiful flowers, but also protects the people around it by doubling as a fire extinguisher.

Branded with the Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance logo, the Firevase also acts as an ambient medium strengthening the brand’s presence in the home.
From September 1st to December 31st, 2018, the Firevase was distributed to 100,000 households in the traditional Korean village, in the traditional markets, and other places nationwide that the government designated as fire-prone areas.
While the campaign was promoted online, 20,000 Samsung Risk Consultants handed out the Firevases to the people. A video featuring a celebrity putting out a fire helped spread the campaign online as well as in theatres, and a print ad was run in 46 different newspapers and magazines.
Furthermore, the Firevase was featured and talked about in news, entertainment and education programs of over 50 different TV networks and news outlets. 100,000 Firevases went to households as fire extinguishers as well as ambient media that became a topic of conversation on social media. Receivers of the Firevase even created their own content that was shared online and further spread the campaign.
Source: Little Black Book
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