Absolut Vodka has launched a ‘Global Selfie’ campaign to mark the launch of its Limited Edition bottle, Absolut World. Developed specifically for the Travel Retail sector and to celebrate Absolut’s global unity brand pillar, the campaign was created by Agency TK and is now live in airports across Europe, New Zealand, Australia and Asia. Aimed […]
Global animal charity, World Animal Protection and London-based mobile game developer, Supersolid have joined forces this World Oceans Day (June 8), to help protect animals in our oceans. The partnership will raise awareness of the global problem and the existing solutions to ghost gear – lost or abandoned fishing equipment that equates to 10% of […]
The Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity announced that Spotify will be honoured at the annual Festival as the 2018 Media Brand of the Year. Daniel Ek, co-founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, will accept the award on behalf of Spotify and its more than 3000 employees around the world at a ceremony on Wednesday, […]
Elmwood, the world’s most effective brand design consultancy, has opened Playroom, a digital experience hub powered by its recently acquired digital design agency, Framework Creative. Playroom is based at Elmwood’s London studio and showcases the latest application of simulation technologies, including augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). With adoption of AR and VR set […]
Rovio Entertainment, in partnership with its licensing and brand management agency, Evolution, has unveiled a sweeping program of premier licensing partnerships in North America for its flagship Angry Birds franchise. This extensive line-up of new, renewed and ongoing deals, uniting a diverse array of retail product manufacturers and categories, represents the next step forward for […]
After months of rumours, Indonesian ride-sharing platform Go-Jek has announced plans to expand its operations into four new Asian markets as part of a US$500 million investment and growth strategy. The new markets are Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand and the Philippines, which the company says in a statement it will enter “within the next few months”. […]
Slack, a collaboration hub for the modern workplace, in line with its first ever developer conference, Spec, will be announcing a range of new features, revealing the latest Slack Fund investments, as well as unveiling the fastest growing app integrations across the UK. The fastest growing app integration for Slack users, in UK in 2018, […]
The 9th of May 2018 went down in history books as among the most significant days in the history of Malaysia. As the nation concluded the election period with the swearing-in of its seventh prime minister on 10th May, eCommerce platforms experienced a significant dip in online traffic as Malaysians were focused on the elections […]
During the clash between Atletico Paranaense and Atlético Mineiro – two of the most important teams at the main football championship in Brazil, the Campeonato Brasileiro – goalkeeper Aderbar dos Santos Neto, aka Santos, surprised everyone with an attitude that nobody could expect. The athlete, dear to the crowd and the man responsible for […]
Safeguard Philippines goes full interactive as the soap brand takes it marketing game a notch higher with augmented reality (AR). Showing that it’s serious about digitising its marketing campaigns, the nation’s number one soap brand launches its first-ever AR video application through Fuse.it. A free augmented reality and customisable video app for smartphones, Fuse It […]