AMARO, pioneer fashion brand in combining technology and creativity in Brazil, launches on November 4th the first fashion collection ever developed from the mapping of women’s genetic data, an innovative format that values individual characteristics of different female profiles. In a scenario where traditional collections tend to follow a zeitgeist market, AMARO has challenged itself to create a trend of its own, raising the bar on personalization and celebrating its customer-centric mission that has revolutionized fashion.
This campaign, created by the earned media agency Soko, brought together technology and fashion, uniting the brand with geneticist Juliana Saquete, a biomedical scientist and molecular biology expert, and brought together a diverse team of women from various regions, bringing a Brazilianness touch to the collection. “Fashion usually finds inspiration looking for information that is seen outside, in the world. This is the first time I see a brand interested in mapping data that comes from the inside to create relevant products”, says Juliana.
To work on the mapping, genetic materials were collected with saliva samples from 19 women and more than 700 thousand regions of their DNA were analyzed by the SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) method, which verified variations in genetic markers, estimating global ancestry for their profiles, showing biogeographic location percentages for each genetic material. In addition, information was mapped about the various ways to deal with stress, day or night preferences, math skills and impulsivity levels.

From this point on, with results in hand, the creative team from AMARO had the mission of developing the clothings blindly, not knowing what information belonged to each woman – avoiding any influence on the final product. After the designers, print designer and geneticist brainstormed ideas, the team’s interpretations were confirmed. Inspiration for the unfolding of this genetic dive was based primarily on ancestry, personality traits, day or night time preferences, and different shades. The data was translated through different colors, fabrics, fluidity, prints and shapes. For example, Loo Nascimento (@neyzona) showed an average impulsivity, which was translated into a more striking pattern, in addition to light modeling and comfortable natural fiber fabrics, prioritizing comfort, assessing how she copes with stress.
For Amaro’s CEO Dominique Oliver, “This collection is part of a new fashion moment in Brazil, which celebrates women’s individualism. We strategically launched the DNA Collection after our first institutional campaign. Both of them represent the fashion revolution and all of us at AMARO are proud to be part of this movement.”

Sales of the DNA Collection begin on November 4th and 57 items will be available, priced between R$100.00 and R$300.00. Customers will be able to see the items both on the online store and on the app, as well as in the guide shops, which will have specific areas for the DNA Collection.
The 19 chosen women for the sample are a portrait of the digital world we live in and also super relevant in social networks in Brazil: Maju Silva (@majusilva), Carol Rocha (@tchulim), Stella Yeshua (@ stella.yeshua), Loo Nascimento (@neyzona), Cris Paladino (@prettamesmo), Mel (@melpomel), Poliana Okimoto (@polianaokimoto), Keila Gomes (@tremekeila), Julia Ferreira (@xjuliaferreirax), Camila Acchutti (@camilaachutti), Lian Tai (@liantai), Lara Dias (@laradias), Joana Cannabrava (@paposdeautoestima), Mari Maria (@marimariamakeup), Gabie Fernandes (@fernandesgabie), Gessica Justino (@gessicajustino), Fabi Justus (@fabianajustus), Vanessa Rozan (@vanessarozan) and Suzana Ceridono (@suzanaceridono). The DNA Collection campaign film was directed by Nina Torres and produced by The Kumite.
Source: SOKO
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