esbconnect combines with Sagacity to create the UK’s most comprehensive UK dataset

Partnership will enable brands to enhance their existing customer data and activate new and existing audiences from within esb’s platform

Customer acquisition specialist esbconnect has announced a partnership with Sagacity, the UK’s leading data and analytics consultancy, that will see Sagacity’s UK-wide Intra dataset combined with esb’s own email dataset of 17m UK consumers.

The combination of the two datasets offers an end-to-end solution that brands can use to enrich and understand their existing audiences, and to target lookalikes and activate new audiences via email, social, programmatic and postal – all from one unified dashboard. As such, it offers a highly appealing alternative to the few UK consumer data offerings available to advertisers. 

Sagacity’s Intra dataset offers the most up-to-date, detailed and accurate view of the UK population, broken down into five core affluence groups. These break down into 55 micro-segments covering demographics, interests and hobbies, income, shopping habits and more.

The Intra data can now be combined with esb’s Inbox Extend dataset, which spans more than 400 attributes, including factors such as age, household income, marital status, type of home, property value and proximity to specific retail outlets.

“This partnership with Sagacity enables esb’s customers to leverage the power and granularity of the most comprehensive dataset of UK consumers for enrichment, profiling, modelling and creating personas,” says esbconnect CEO Suzanna Chaplin. “It is the perfect complement to our own Inbox Extend offering.”

Sagacity contains more data than any other full-coverage file in the market, and is subject to a strict due diligence process – every piece of information processed holds a complete audit trail and permission code, and no data is accepted into Intra without meeting Sagacity’s strict compliance standards. It also offers higher match rates with clients’ data, owing to the fact that Intra datasets are available at individual, household and postcode level.

Dean Standing, Chief Revenue Officer at Sagacity added: “Intra data, and the insights it offers, are trusted by many of the UK’s best-known brands. The partnership with esbconnect will make it easier for more brands to access and activate these insights from within esb’s platform, across multiple channels.”

Source: esbconnect

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