MarComm News caught up with Magnus Thorne who chairs the Advertising & Innovations Jury at The 26th FAB Awards
Speaking exclusively with MarComm News – Magnus Thorne, Creative Director at OLIVER London who chaired The 26th FAB Awards‘ Advertising Jury.

Q. This is the 4th time that you have been on The FAB Awards Jury Panel. How did that happen? ( How did you get invited to be on the Jury four times? And this time as a Chair?)
The FABs is an awards that really does live up to its name. The standard is very high as is the caliber of judge. So I have no idea how I got asked first time round – I’m guessing everyone else in the industry must have called in sick that day. But I must’ve done something right as I’ve been asked back a couple more times and for this year was surprised and honoured to be asked to be the Chair. But it certainly wasn’t something I was going to turn down!
Q. Based on your previous experience on the Panel – are you looking for more specific advertising solutions, this time round and as Jury Chair?
At its core FABs has always been about the work – it may sound a bit cliched but it really is. And what’s refreshing about this is that great ideas that haven’t necessarily been given the oxygen of publicity and big budgets will get recognized. So in terms of looking for anything specific that’s what I was looking out for – great ideas pure and simple. Stuff that really engaged and cut through. Made you think and made you jealous. ‘Wish I’d done that’ is a pretty good gauge of how good you think work is.
Q. Judging on Zoom V Judging in-person?
Although zoom has many positives and transformed the way every one works, when it comes to judging you still can’t beat being in a room together. There’s loads of stuff like body language and silences that you just don’t pick up on when you’re remote. Plus your focus is totally on the job in hand. But above all it’s just nice to spend a day with nice people.
Q. Without giving away the results – are there any stand out trends in the F&B Sector? Ie: The Hard Seltzer market is getting crowded now and is that noticeable in the awards submissions. AI? And Tech?
I’d say in relation to other sectors the trend in F&B was humour and comedy. Work that put a smile on people’s faces. And that’s got to be a good thing. Comedy is hard as it can polarise, so brands often won’t go there. But in the FABs there was some real laugh out loud work that really got your attention. Which is what good advertising needs to do. And who doesn’t like a laugh?
Q. What about Comms for Ethical, VEGAN and Plant-Based products? They are the norm in the aisles now. Any trends here?
I think the trend here has to be for such brands to add another dimension to their work. The foundations have been laid – people know these foods are good for the planet and so they’ve probably already mopped up all the consumers who want to eat that way. But there are loads more people that are still untapped. What’s stopping them from buying in? I suspect the big barrier is taste and I think that’s where we’ll see the work going.
Q. Anything you could share on the overall standard of The FAB Awards entries this year? Has the economic downturn and cost of living crisis hampered Jobs?
As always the standard was high – there was some exceptional work using AI and there was some exceptional work using HI (human intelligence). And although there is an economic downturn brands found smart ways to make really good work for next to nothing or found a load of cash down the back of a sofa and hired in Hollywood A-listers. Either way the work was good.
Q Are Awards important?
For sure. They are a great way to benchmark your work, your agency and your progress. They’re also a really good way for a team to get together – clients and agency – and celebrate their hard work and success. And in a world where we spend so much of our time with people virtually, getting together in real life is really important.
Q. What constitutes great Advertising for Magnus?
For me it’s work that makes you smile and work that people share and talk about – when that happens its properly good.
Q. How did you start in Creative Business Magnus?
No idea. I did a degree in Zoology…
Magnus Thorne is Creative Director at OLIVER London . Magnus chaired the Advertising & Innovations Jury at The FAB Awards and spoke exclusively with MarComm News who are sponsors of The Advertising & Innovations Categories at The 26th FAB Awards.
Judging for various categories of The 26th FAB Awards have concluded. The Finalists in contention for the coveted FAB Silver, Gold and FABulous ( Best in Show ) Awards can be seen here
The FAB Awards are still the only Global Awards program focussed entirely on work done for Food and Beverage Brands. The Award Scheme attracts entries from 60 Countries across Design, Packaging, Branding, Advertising, Innovation, Retail Interiors, Digital, Mobile and Sustainable. The redesigned FAB Awards trophy is made exclusively from recycled packaging material.
The FAB Awards Presentation and Party is scheduled for 6th June, 2024
The FAB Awards have done away with the traditional Black Tie / Sit Down Dinner of The Hurlingham Club and are now hosting a more relaxed Awards Presentation Party by the Brighton & Hove seafront.
Source: MarComm News
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