A fresh OOH campaign from Castra, one of Sweden’s fastest-growing IT consulting companies, is getting reactions for making no sense at all – at least to the average viewer.

The reason: The ads are written in the constructed languages of Klingon (Star Trek), Sindarin (The Lord of the Rings) and Galactic Standard (Star Wars). A strategic move aimed at singling out the most dedicated and competent talent in the country and winning them over to the Castra side.
“We know that the best IT consultants are those who geek out and don’t shy away from a challenge, whether it’s a work-related task or learning a language that nobody speaks. Anyone who cracks the messages could have the potential to become our next star,” says Julia Lazar, Marketing Director at Castra.
Copywriter Johan Nerman, one of the creatives behind the campaign, comments: “Our data showed, in line with our preconception, that the target group has a penchant for science fiction and fantasy. And that they’re really smart. Adding those two insights together, coming up with the idea was simple math.”

We Are More:
- Alexander Skoglund
- Björn Eklind
- Christoffer Hägglin
- Frida Sjösten
- Johan Nerman
- Linda Tiderman
- Mikael Andersson
- Molly Ljungström
- Therese Berglund
- William Menke
- Zrajm
- Benct Philip Jonsson
- Emil Ahlenius
- Julia Lazar
Source: We Are More
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