RepHike is a young company, based in Buffalo, New York, that helps brands find their ideal micro-influencers and manage campaign collaborations. The world of online micro-influencers is a pretty new one, but already the market is saturated with many players who look and sound the same. BTL Brands, a start-up focused design studio based in […]
Bangladeshi tea brand Teatulia has launched in the UK with a new brand identity by Here Design. This expansion coincides with the opening of a flagship store in Covent Garden where its range of organic teas will be available. Hereâs production studio âHere Makesâ has also created a range of branded lifestyle items to bring […]
Brand agency Better has appointed two new members to its senior management team following unprecedented growth over the last two years. Simon Preece joins as associate brand director and will support the agency’s strategic growth, service offer and, as the most awarded marketer in DBA history, further develop its commercial effectiveness agenda. Simon brings a […]
Creative and strategic branding partnership Smith&+Village has unveiled its fearlessly stylish rebrand of the Harvey Nichols food collection. The new own-label look brings the zeitgeist of fashion back to food, with a collection that captures the stylish, irreverent and unique Britishness of luxury department store Harvey Nichols. Harvey Nichols’ own-label food packaging, famous for its […]
me&dave has rebranded Southwark-based homeless charity robes, to help it attract the investment it needs to continue its life-saving work on the streets of London. robes’ volunteers spend eight months of the year campaigning and raising money to provide shelter during the harsh winter weeks. They also provide practical and emotional support throughout the year […]
The Dining Club Group, the world’s largest diners’ club group, announced the launch of a new brand identity for their gourmet society brand as of 31 October 2018. The Dining Club Group’s rebrand of gourmet society aims to bring gourmet society’s purpose, vision and values to life, and improve the customer experience for their million […]
Lab, the independent digital agency that uses a blend of neuromarketing, psychology and behavioural economics to design, build and market digital brands and experiences, has revealed a new creative concept and visual identity for the next Digital Podge, which takes place on Friday 30th November. Lab’s concept for the now-legendary industry event, Unconsciously Coupling, is […]
myAko is on a mission to revolutionise the care and education industries and improve the way these businesses are managed. Independent global creative agency Crowd has helped ensure this learning platform’s purpose shines through every element of the organisation. The new brand was brought to life across a visual and verbal identity, followed by social media assets, […]
It’s not quite reached the levels of consumption that had Hogarth picking up his etching needle in the 1750s, but a craze for gin has gripped the UK. In 2017, sales of bottles of gin in the nation rose by more than a quarter on the previous year. The thirst for new flavours and small-batch […]
Leading Australasian drinks company Frucor Suntory is responding to a consumer shift away from carbonated soft drinks by developing a new range of premium fruit-infused water. Called True Water, it’s designed by drinks specialist design agency Denomination. True Water will initially launch with two fruit-infused waters, raspberry and lime. Made using real fruit extracts, True […]