Unicef Next Generation has released Words By, a book of collected poems and stories from 138 diverse voices, designed by London studio Charlie Smith Design.
The book and accompanying website celebrate our humanity by bringing together experiences of individuals from all walks of life. Working with Unicef Next Generation, Charlie Smith Design created the Words By identity to support the stories in the book across print and online platforms.

Visiting refugee camps across Europe, Unicef Next Generation was inspired to publish stories by different people about their experiences. Contributors had creative freedom to write the rawest poetry and prose that mattered most to them. Through their words and on their terms, the collection finds beauty in differences and celebrates the similarities between human beings.

“We needed an agency that understood the importance of a simple and impactful brand that would beautifully represent the story we set out to tell. From the offset, Charlie Smith Design led us in the right direction,” says Bethany Gill, Co-founder, Words By.
With extensive experience designing and producing books, Charlie Smith Design mapped out the content cover to cover, placing the purpose of the collection at the forefront of their design concept. The logo mark doubles as the book title and uses an underline device to create an open space that can be filled with the author’s name, their background or experience – artist, rapper, novelist, refugee etc.
“To remove distinction between experienced and untrained writers, we deliberately left out the contributors’ surnames. This created a level platform for all voices to be heard equally whether refugee, recovering addict, migrant, sex worker, lawyer or author,” says Charlie Smith, Charlie Smith Design.
Charlie Smith Design used a handwritten approach in the open space next to the Words By logo that could shift and change to honour the range of contributing poets. Each writer’s identity, be it musician or rapper, has been individually hand drawn with its own unique character.

These marks have been animated for the website to display the diversity of voices and sit boldly alongside the strong brand typeface created by Søren Varming of Punktum Design and Henrik Kubel of A2-TYPE.

The colour palette is pared back; black, stone, and a vibrant orange that alludes to the life vests often worn by refugees on turbulent journeys. This added an important visual connection to the content of the book and the sensitive experiences it contains while reinforcing the purpose of the overall identity
“The initial buzz around Words By, and the enthusiastic and positive reactions to it is a testament to the brand. We are ever grateful to Charlie Smith Design for insightful work,” says Gill.

100% of proceeds from the sale of Words By will go to Unicef’s Children’s Emergency Fund helping vulnerable children affected by war and natural disasters globally.
Source: Charlie Smith Design
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