Sky has launched Sky Q, a combined satellite TV and internet service that will broadcast Ultra HD programming and allow users to pause live TV and watch later on different devices. The service will launch in the UK and Ireland in 2016. The picture quality of its content will be broadcast with up to four […]
IBM has released a retail app powered by its AI tool Watson to help make the holiday season easier for shoppers. Trend App has been designed to uncover consumer preferences behind the most talked about gifts this Christmas, forecasting what’s hot and what’s not. The product distills the sentiment of tens of millions of online […]
Motorola teamed up with actor-turned-startup investor Ashton Kutcher in this new commercial that aims to illustrate people’s dependency on their smartphones. Participants were invited to sit alone in a square cubicle facing a large mirror, with their hands placed on a transparent tabletop. Their mobile phone was left on the table, placed between their hands, […]
How do you stay still and move forward at the same time? This is the question brands wrestle with, once they reach a certain stature in the marketplace. All that energy spent building a fantastic brand – the last thing you want to do is dilute it or compromise it in any way. And yet, […]
As 2016 approaches, one thing that should certainly be at the heart of any robust marketing plan is content. If it is relevant, original and correctly targeted, content can help brands to stand out from the masses, create a meaningful relationship with consumers, and potentially influence a purchase decision. “2016 is about brands refocusing their […]
An unexpected trip to their local Kwik Fit turned into something truly magical for ten children in a new Christmas video that hit the internet. At the Whestone garage in North London, the children bumped into Santa Claus, his trusty reindeer and a present-stacked sleigh! The campaign was devised and executed by creative agency Taylor […]
Marks & Spencer is launching a through the line campaign to support its festive food range. Created by RKCR/Y&R, it features a series of films that continue with the ‘Adventures In’ theme and aim to make Christmas magical by highlighting the range of exciting food that M&S offers for every special Christmas occasion. The campaign […]
Western Union have inspired a chain of good deeds by pledging to help fund projects that aim to make lasting positive change for individuals and communities. The Western Union Chain of Betters competition will award US$1,000 (or local currency equivalent) for winning selfless ‘betters’. During the first phase, residents from 20 countries will be invited […]
Media agency Maxus has launched a new campaign for National Book Tokens called “Choosing a book is an adventure in itself”. The campaign seeks to raise awareness for the gift card and reaffirm why a National Book Token is the perfect gift for book lovers. “Choosing a book is an adventure in itself” celebrates the […]
[KGVID width=”600″ height=”338″][/KGVID] International content company, The Moment, has created a unique new television series in partnership with The Open University, exploring whether sports science is the answer to achieving perfection in sport. The show, entitled Chasing Perfection, is being aired on Channel 4, with the innovative content also being used to promote and enhance […]