Tattoos come to life in the new LYNX campaign by 72andSunny Amsterdam

Tattoos come to life and tell stories about attraction in a new series of films created for LYNX’s Ink Shower Gel, an aftercare product designed to keep tattoos bright, by 72andSunny Amsterdam.

Tattoos are an essential part of guys’ lives – and part of what makes them attractive to others. They might be eye catchers, conversation starters, or love tokens – but they always tell a story about a guy being into something – or someone. At its heart, the idea is about bringing those stories to life. Quite literally. With LYNX.

Over three films, the tattoos tell stories about attraction. From the owl with a fear of heights who ends up skydiving to impress a girl to a tiger lamenting the ‘jungle’ of dating in the smartphone era. Each film ends with the tattoo in the shower, being lathered up with LYNX’s Ink Shower Gel, designed to ‘bring tattoos to life’.

Caroline Gregory, Brand Director at LYNX (Unilever), said: “Tattoos play such a big role in guys’ lives, but so far there hasn’t been a lot you can do to keep your ink as fresh as on day one. We want to keep those amazing stories alive and bright.”

To give the campaign an authentic feel, the featured tattoos belong to real people, who each contributed their own stories and voices to the campaign. The animation has deliberately been crafted using only the elements from original tattoos to ensure the focus stays on the stories and compliments the humour.

Adam Koppel at 72andSunny Amsterdam said: “The tattoos needed their own personality. Instead of scripts, we had springboard ideas. Then used controlled improvisation and interviews to land the idea.”

The campaign breaks in the UK on August 7 across social with VOD to follow. There are three 20-second videos and three six-second cut-downs for social media.

Source: 72andSunny

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