Serviceplan Campaign X created an eye-catching print campaign for Sky, which ran in magazines, on billboards and Sky’s Facebook page.
Titled ‘Miss the Start. Miss the Story’, the clever copywriting plays on the titles and typogrophy of iconic movies including Kill Bill, Goldfinger, Trainspotting and Braveheart.

The reason for the campaign was that in Germany a lot of people still watch linear TV instead of On Demand TV, because they don’t like spending too much time choosing movies. They tend to just turn on the TV and watch what’s running.
That’s why Sky offers the best movies not only on demand, but also on linear channels. The restart function from Sky Q let’s you watch the movies on linear TV from the start, by accessing the same movie in the on demand library of Sky. Giving the user the benefits of linear TV and on demand TV.

Source: Serviceplan
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