Plano de Menina (Girl’s Plan), a social initiative whose goal is to give a voice and opportunities to underprivileged girls throughout Brazil, offering courses and workshops on financial education, entrepreneurship, career building, self-esteem, law, citizenship, and other subjects, created the #EqualPay movement in partnership with BETC/Havas, in order to call on public institutions, employers and society at large to reflect […]
The life expectancy of transgender people in Brazil is age 35 due to violence and discrimination. This fact is highlighted in the new film Thirty-Five developed by Y&R Brazil (part of VMLY&R Group) for Athosgls, an LGBTQI+ news portal. The short film, produced by FAUNA studio, features real trans couple Guto and Onika. This statistic is underscored […]
It’s no secret that everyone loves an animal print, whether it’s fashion, accessories, jewellery, interiors, bedding, or cosmetics. You could say the animal print is a universal language, and the fashion industry specifically has been getting inspiration from animal beauty for centuries. The jaguar print is one of the most used patterns in fashion. While […]
According to the latest census, published by IBGE in 2010, more than 45 million people stated that they had at least one type of disability. The report also showed that, in São Paulo, the largest city in Brazil, only 9% of sidewalks are wheelchair-accessible. Since then, improvements have been made but people with physical disabilities do not […]
A recent UN report states that the most dangerous place for women is their own home. This is the insight used for a chilling awareness campaign titled ‘You Are Not Alone’ from Brazil, which aims to highlight domestic violence by telling stories of distress from the perspective of the only eyewitness: an object inside that house. The objects chosen […]
In order to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Usain Bolt’s 9.58-second world record on the 100m dash, BETC/Havas partnered with PUMA to create a biographical book in tribute to the athlete. The book titled “The 9’58 Biography” recounts the most memorable events in Bolt’s life that led him to break the world record in 2009. In its 224 pages, the book presents interesting facts […]
The traffic in Brazil is considered one of the most violent in the Americas, with Sao Paulo being the state with the highest number of road traffic deaths and drunk driving being the second largest cause of these deaths, according to recent data from the World Health Organisation (WHO). During popular festivals, the numbers grow […]
With 8.6 million vehicles in the streets, São Paulo has one of the most intense and chaotic traffic in the world, placing urban mobility as a central issue for the inhabitants. The metropolis is home to 12.2 million people, which lose almost two hours every day just to go and come back from work. Not […]
Real treatment functions for clothes, quality perfumes and positive impact on society: these are the pillars that underpin the recently launched Comfort campaign worldwide. In the portfolio, the softer fabric products have a formula developed to protect fibers from the fabrics, avoiding damages so that the clothes last four times more. To introduce the concept, […]
Have you ever stopped to think about what graffiti on men’s and women’s bathrooms can reveal about toxic masculinity? This is exactly what the @banheirodehomem (@mensbathroom) project wanted to find out. The study, in association with agency Soko, compared the content of phrases and expressions found on both restrooms. However, it’s important to understand where […]