MarComm’ Star Parade: Meet Sarah Fleming

MarComm’ Star Parade: Meet Sarah Fleming

MarComm’s Star Parade is a series where we shine the spotlight on some of the global stars from the Marketing and Communications industry, and Sarah Fleming, Founder of The Right + The Left  is precisely that. Q) Give us a brief insight into your career so far? I was lucky to have discovered the possibility of a career […]

MarComm’ Star Parade: Meet Prakash Joshi

MarComm’ Star Parade: Meet Prakash Joshi

MarComm’s Star Parade is a series where we shine the spotlight on some of the global stars from the Marketing and Communications industry and  Prakash Joshi, Founder and Creative Director at SW19 Design And Print is precisely that. Q. Give us a brief insight into your career so far? Am a graphic designer and founded SW19 Design and Print […]

MarComm’ Star Parade: Meet Jenny Sagström

MarComm’ Star Parade: Meet Jenny Sagström

MarComm’s Star Parade is a series where we shine the spotlight on some of the global stars from the Marketing and Communications industry, and  Jenny Sagström, CEO and Founder, Sköna is precisely that. Q) Give us a brief insight into your career so far? I ended up in the agency business by happenstance. I thought I was going to work […]

MarComm’ Star Parade: Meet Jesse Ketonen

MarComm’ Star Parade: Meet Jesse Ketonen

MarComm’s Star Parade is a series where we shine the spotlight on some of the global stars from the Marketing and Communications industry, and Jesse Ketonen, Director of Growth and Operations, Boksi  is precisely that. Q) Give us a brief insight into your career so far? I started working at a social marketing agency when I was 20 and […]

MarComm’ Star Parade: Meet Jake Mason

MarComm’ Star Parade: Meet Jake Mason

MarComm’s Star Parade is a series where we shine the spotlight on some of the global stars from the Marketing and Communications industry, and Jake Mason, CEO and Founder, 0120 is precisely that. Q) Give us a brief insight into your career so far? My career has been wonderfully varied, from playing as a session musician, to working […]

MarComm’s Star Parade: Meet Angela Freeth

MarComm’s Star Parade: Meet Angela Freeth

MarComm’s Star Parade is a series where we shine the spotlight on some of the global stars from the Marketing and Communications industry, and Laundrapp‘ Marketing Campaigns Manager, Angela Freeth is precisely that. Q) Give us a brief insight into your career so far? After over eight years in customer services it was time for me to […]

MarComm’s Star Parade: Meet Jos Harrison

MarComm’s Star Parade is a series where we shine the spotlight on some of the global stars from the Marketing Communications industry and Jos Harrison, Global Design Strategy Director at Reckitt Benckiser is exactly that. Meet Jos here:

MarComm’s Star Parade: Meet Jos Harrison

Give us a brief insight into your career so far? It’s been quite varied – after training as a product designer, I spent time running my own consultancy before a brief stint in marketing – then moved to commercial interior design and wayfinding. The client base of the agency I worked for meant that I […]

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