Super Bowl Has Great Ads, But Most Watch For The Game

super-bowl-xlviiiMany Super Bowl research studies talk up all the interest in TV commercials, but a new study suggests the more obvious reason to watch: the game itself.

52% of respondents say the primary reason they tune in is to watch the game, versus 23% who are focused on the commercials, per Burson-Marsteller’s Fan Experience study from research consultant Penn Schoen Berland.

Going deeper, 72% prefer a great game with boring commercials over a boring game with great commercials.  That said, entertainment — and laughter — is key for marketers: 91% are more excited to view commercials using humor than ones designed to get an emotional response from viewers.

On the social-media front, 55% will post a comment on social media about a commercial; 51% about a big play during the game. Some 57% say they will be using Facebook and/or Twitter during the game, and 55% will go online to view additional branded content either during or immediately after the game.

The study occurred Jan. 15-17, surveying 1,000 people who indicated that they were planning to watch Super Bowl XLVIII on Sunday, Feb. 2.

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