Mastercard holds a meeting between children in cancer treatment and the Brazilian football team

Mastercard holds a meeting between children in cancer treatment and the Brazilian football team

During the friendly football match between Brazil and Honduras, in the city of Porto Alegre, Mastercard, in partnership with Hospital de Amor, the largest philanthropic oncology institution in Brazil, fulfilled the dream of children in cancer treatment in an unprecedented action in Brazil. Mastercard, an official sponsor of Brazil’s football teams, used the telepresence technology […]

Universal Music in partnership with Havas Health & You created a nail sticker that detects date rape drug

Universal Music in partnership with Havas Health & You created a nail sticker that detects date rape drug

In Brazil, one woman is raped every ten minutes, according to the annual public security and violence report published by the Institute for Applied Economic Research (IPEA). According to estimates, 600,000 women were victims of rape in 2017 alone. So-called date rape drugs are used by perpetrators to overpower others and commit sexual abuse. This […]

Synchronised Orgasm: BETC/Havas creates campaign for new Jontex condom

Synchronised Orgasm: BETC/Havas creates campaign for new Jontex condom

Based on the principle that men and women have different rhythms during sexual relations, Jontex is introducing a new product: “Synchronised Orgasm,” a condom that prolongs the man’s erection while stimulating the woman’s pleasure, so that both may reach climax together.  In order to publicise the product, BETC/Havas created a communication campaign that uses printed media, Facebook and Instagram […]

BETC/Havas creates activation to promote Vanish Crystal White

BETC/Havas creates activation to promote Vanish Crystal White

In order to promote Vanish Crystal White, a Reckitt Benckiser product, BETC/Havas has created a special campaign that undeniably proves the product’s efficacy in making “white even whiter.”  To showcase the product, the agency used three characters who are readily recognised for the white of their outfits: a doctor, a chef, and a karate master. […]

Metro Newspaper turns captcha into an anti-fake news tool

Metro Newspaper turns captcha into an anti-fake news tool

Fake news has become a major issue worldwide. It’s capable of driving nations’ political paths and influencing elections. And to help fight this phenomenon, Brazilian agency Artplan and Metro Newspaper turned to technology. We all know captcha, that tool designed to check if you are a robot. But, at Metro’s website, it was redesigned. Instead […]

AACD and Z+ launch campaign to bring awareness to the daily challenges of people with physical disabilities

AACD and Z+ launch campaign to bring awareness to the daily challenges of people with physical disabilities

Seeking to increase the awareness of disability causes, aid association AACD and advertising agency Z+ present the “Empathy Objects” campaign, which made participants experience firsthand the difficulties faced by people with physical disabilities or reduced mobility. The action intends to emphasise the importance of AACD’s work and motivate more people to donate to the institution, which has five orthopedic workshops in […]

Citroën launches a collection of scarves to commemorate the brand’s 100 year anniversary

Citroën launches a collection of scarves to commemorate the brand’s 100 year anniversary

Citroën turns 100 years old in 2019. One hundred years at the forefront of technological advances and style trends when it comes to automobile design. The fact is that Citroën has always been a trendsetter when it comes to its vehicles. And to celebrate these 100 years, BETC/Havas has developed a special action that will take its fashion sense […]