OgilvyOne UK Turns Football Stars Into Pub Signs for BT Sport

OgilvyOne UK Turns Football Stars Into Pub Signs for BT Sport

To celebrate BT Sport becoming the new home of the UEFA Champions League, OgilvyOne, the UK’s leading customer experience agency has created a series of specially designed and hand painted football-inspired BT Sport ‘Pub Signs’. The aim of the campaign is to illustrate the importance of football to the pub industry, and that BT Sport’s […]

ChinChin, the wrestling cholita, is the main character in El Ojo 2015’s new ad campaign

ChinChin, the wrestling cholita, is the main character in El Ojo 2015’s new ad campaign

The international festival has already become a classic, and as every classic it is mostly expected. The agency, Santa Clara, and the production company, O2, have just released the new advertising campaign for the 2015 edition of El Ojo de Iberoamérica. In this case, the protagonist of this short film is a real artist, a […]

Procter & Gamble introduce new PMP for tampon brand Tampax

Procter & Gamble introduce new PMP for tampon brand Tampax

Tampax, the UK’s leading tampon brand from P&G, is introducing a £2.99 price-marked-pack (PMP) for its Compak range to help convenience retailers grow their Health and Beauty category sales. Available from October, the Compak PMP range is expected to be a huge success with female convenience shoppers because of the attractive price point as well […]

Burberry raises marketing investment with Apple Music channel

Burberry raises marketing investment with Apple Music channel

Burberry has invested in taking its five year-old music platform onto Apple Music, the paid-for service which has attracted 11 million sign-ups with a three-month free trial offer. Apple Music joins YouTube, Burberry’s own website and Spotify as arenas where the brand showcases its support for British artists, who have included James Bay and George […]

2016 to be the year global mobile advertising overtakes newspapers

2016 to be the year global mobile advertising overtakes newspapers

Mobile internet advertising is set to become the third-largest advertising medium behind television and desktop internet, overtaking newspapers in 2016. A Zenith Optimedia study claims mobile advertising will overshadow newspapers as early as next year, becoming the “driving force behind the growth of the entire advertising market”. Mobile will account for 12.4 per cent of […]